BPrime Anuncio Imprensa



A strong call to action by its red color and verticality assuming a personality who wants to stand out from the competition. The lowercase b gives a sense of proximity and get the potencial client’s attention by uppercase contrast. For a new brand in Real Estate corporate market, lead by multinational companies, a portuguese sense and personality should be present.


Prime Watch is a Report showing in detail the operation market of B.Prime but, above all, it mirrors its own vision and performance.

Graphically this piece should highlight the brand’s portuguese sense, but in a way the competition does not find the legitimacy to do it: with a sense of attention to detail, respect for the Portuguese tradition, but reinterpreting them in a form that reflects the Lisbon city transmutation, through a perfectly autochthonous look.

BPrime Watch Report
BPrime Watch Report
BPrime Watch

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