Bom Petisco


Bom Petisco brand looking to develop awareness on future clients.
Special school materials were design to interact with kids from 6 to 12 years old. International Day Food was the theme to inform and teach about the importance of a good nutrition as Bom Petisco have the essential ingredients to contribute to a healthy meal.



International Day Food is branded to remain as a signal on kids minds. Vibrant and primary colors are in place to create a sense of proximity with the user.


Shapes and geometric forms are elements from school knowledge and therefore an interaction with day to day learning process. The age of the users was important to achieve a successful design.

Brand Activation

Children’s book to paint and giveaways as didactic games printed were delivery at private schools.

Content Management

Didactic and leisure content were related with the importance of a good and well nutrition on body development. Two groups of different year knowledge were attend to grab kids attention and motivation.


A soft interaction with the brand bonded with good content make a successful communication.

Cofaco Bom Petisco

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